Artist Statement

My work confronts gender, race, and sexuality.  Throughout the course of my life I have seen my body as a weapon one that could be used for or against me.  My work explores the ever fluctuating relationship with the body through collage and installation.  I draw from both contemporary events as well as the history of the American south, most often setting those two time periods against each other.  

My newest body of work utilizes reactionary, everyday doodles in larger linear based landscapes.  I am interested in the transparency and softness of watercolor against harsher graphite and ink lines. I find myself exploring the falsehoods of memory and dreams and how they are continuously wrapped around our beings.  We explicitly trust our memory to provide us with information and essentially the truth.  However, the more you delve into a memory the less substance it seems to possess.  I find that in reality we are most often floating in a constructed falsehood supplied to us by our mysterious brain.


Article on Critical Race Theory
